Two Chapters of Persuasion: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, MS Egerton 3038
"Her Mantuamaker! —then I amsure
my calling now, wd .would be mostinconvenient. — Indeed you mustallow me merely to leave my Card& be so good as to explain it afterwards to Mrs . C.Croft" "No, no, not at all, not at all.She will be very happyglad to see you.Mind — I will not swear that she has notsomething
particular to say to you —but that will all come out in theright place. I give no hints.
–––Why, Miſs Elliot, we begin to
hearstrange things of you — (smiling inher face)
— But you have notI do not see muchthe Look of it in your Countenance."as Grave as a little Judge." — Anne blushed. — "Aye, aye, thatwill do. Now,
it is all right. Ithought we were not mistaken." SheAnne was left to gueſs at thedirection of his Suspicions; — thefirst wild idea had been of some disclosurecon::feſsion of the past from his Br -Brotherin law — but she was ashamedthe next moment — & felt how farthat itmore probableit was that he shouldhe must in all
probability bemeaning Mr . E.Elliot––– The door wasopened — & the Manwas evidentlybeginning to deny his Mistreſs,when the sight of his Masterstopped him. The Adml .Admiral enjoyed