Two Chapters of Persuasion: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, MS Egerton 3038
the joke exceedingly. Anne
thought his triumph over Stephen rather too long. At last however, he
was able to in::vite her upstairs, & stepping before
hersaid — "I shall will just go up withyou myself & shew you in — I cannotstay, because I must go to the P.Post office, but if you will only sit down for 5 minutes I am sure
Sophy willcome. ––– and you will find nobodyto
disturb you — there is nobody butFrederick here —" opening the door ashe spoke. —
Such a person to be paſsedover as a Nobody to her! — After
beingallowed to feel quite secure — indifferent —at her ease, to have it burst on her that she was to be
the next momentin the same room with him! —No time
for recollection! — for plan::ning
behaviour, or regulating man::ners! —
There was time only to turnpale, before she had paſsed
through the door, & met the astonished eyes ofCapt .CaptainW–––.Wentworth who was sitting byin thefire, pretending to read &
prepared forpretence of Reading &
preparing tono greater surprise thanbe surprised only by the Admiral'shasty return. — Equally
unexpectedwas the meeting, on each side. — There was
nothing to be done however, butto stifle feelings & be quietly polite;
— and the Admiral was too much on the