Opinions of Mansfield Park and Opinions of Emma: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MSS. 41253A
My Mother — not liked it so well as P. & P. — Thought Fannyinsipid. – Enjoyed Mrs . Norris. —
Caſsandra — thought it quite as clever, tho'though not so brilliant asP. & P. — Fond of Fanny. — Delighted much in Mr . Rushworth'sstupidity. —
My EldestBrother — a warm admirer of it in general. — Delighted withthe Portsmouth Scene.
Edward — much like his Father. – Objected to Mrs . Rushworth's Elope::ment as unnatural.
Mr . B. L. — Highly pleased with Fanny Price – & a warm admirerof the Portsmouth Scene. — Angry with Edmund for not being in lovewith her, & hating Mrs . Norris for teazing her. —
Miſs Burdett — Did not like it so well as P. & P.
Mrs . James Tilson — Liked it better than P. & P.
Fanny Cage ––– did not much like it ––– not to be compared to P. & P. –––nothing interesting in the Characters––– Language poor. ––– Charactersnatural & well supported ––– Improved as it went on. –––
Mr . & Mrs . Cooke — very much pleased with it — particularly with themanner in which the Clergy are treated. – Mr . Cooke called it "the most sensible Novel he had ever read." — Mrs . Cooke wishedfor a good MatronlyCharacter. —
Mary Cooke — quite as much pleased with it, as her Father & Mother;seemed to enter into Lady B.'s character, & –enjoyed1 Mr . Rushworth's folly. Admired Fanny in general; but thought she ought to have been more determined on overcoming her own feelings, when she sawEdmund's attachment to Miſs Crawford. –––
Miſs Burrel — admired it very much — particularly Mrs . Norris &Dr . Grant. —
Mrs . Bramstone — much pleased with it; particularly with the character of Fanny, as being so very natural. Thought Lady Bertramlike herself. — Preferred it to either of the others — but imagined thatmight be her want of Taste — as she does not understand Wit. —
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