Volume the Third: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 65381
:ance, of the place as Mr Gower entered thePaddock was uncommonly striking. A beau:: tifully-rounded, gravel road without any turn or interruption led immediately to thehouse. Mr Gower rang – the Door was soonopened. "Are Mr & Mrs Webb at home?" "My Good Sir they are" — replied the Servant;And leading the way, conducted Mr Gowerup stairs into a very elegant Dreſsing room,where a Lady rising from her seat, welcomedhim with all the Generosity which MrsWillis had attributed to the Family.
"Welcome best of Men — Welcome to thisHouse, & to every thing it contains. William,tell your Master of the happineſs I enjoy –invite him to partake of it –. Bring up someChocolate immediately; Spread a Cloth in the diningParlour, and carry in the venison pasty –. In the mean time let the Gentleman have some sandwiches, andbring in a Basket of Fruit —Send up some Ices and