Volume the Third: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 65381
pause) there is a Family, who tho'though warm::ly attached to the spot, yet
from a peculiarGenerosity of
Disposition would perhaps bewilling to oblige you with their house.the remainderof their Lease." He eagerly caught at this idea, and having
gained a direction to theplaceHouse, he set off immediately on his walkto it. As he
approached the House, he was delighted with
its situation. It was in theexact center of a small circular paddock, which was enclosed
by a regular paling, & bordered with a plantation of
Lombardy pop::lars, & Spruce firs alternately placed in three rows. A
gravel walk ran through thisbeautiful
Shrubbery, and as the remain::der of the
paddock was unincumberedby1with
any other Timber, the surface of it perfectly
even and smooth, and grazed by fourwhite Cows whoich2 were disposed at equaldistances from each other,
the whole appear:
- 1.
- 'by' erased after 'unincumbered'.Back to context...
- 2.
- 'who' altered to 'which'.Back to context...