[ 3 ] [ p.6 ]

you are not used to such quickhasty mea::sures." —The part of the story whichwas reallymost astonishingto Charlotte most, shecould notbu noticed, she had just given itto herselftThe1 words of "UnaccountableOfficiousneſs! – Activity run mad!" —hadbutjust paſsed through Charlotte's brain – andmind she could only give one explanation ofcollecting her Thoughts, she replied —the Amazement which she cd .could easily "I dare say I look surprised, for I feel so,beleive to be painted in her face —butthat a civil answer was easy. "I daresay Ido look surprised, said she — because these are very great exertions, & I knowwhat Invalidesthat both you & your Sister are."sad Invalides"sufferers as to Health "Invalides indeed!.2 – I trust there are not three People in England who have so sad a right to thatappellation.name! — But my dear Miſs Heywood,we are sent into this World to be asextensively useful as poſsible, & wheresome degree of Strength of Mind is given, it is not a feeble body which will ex::cuse us – or which will incline us toexcuse ourselves. –Hum3 The World is pretty much divided between theWeak of Mind & the Strong – between those who can act & those who cannotact, & it is the bounden Duty of theCapable to let no opportunity of doingbeing useful Good,  escape them.none of their faculties


'T' written over 't'.Back to context...
An exclamation mark appears to have been partly erased to leave a full stop after 'indeed'.Back to context...
RWC offers the queried reading of 'Howe'.Back to context...
Image for page: b3-6 of manuscript: sanditon