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occasion which called for me my Exertions.Here was a family of helpleſs Invalideswhom I might eſsentially serve. — Isounded Susan – the same Thought hadoccurred to her – – Arthur made no diffi::culties – our plan was arranged imme::diately, we were off yesterday morng .morningat 6 —,left Chichester at the same hour to day — &here we are. —" "Excellent! Excellent! —cried Mr . Parker. – Diana, you are uneune::qual'dqualled in serving your friends.1& doing Good to all the World. – I knownobody like you. – Mary, my Love, is notshe a wonderful Creature? — Well – andnow, what House do you design toengage for them? — What is the sizeof their family? —" "I do not at allknow – replied his Sister — have notthe least idea; – never heard any par::ticulars; – but I am very sure that the largest house at Sanditon cannotbe too large. They are more likelyto want a second. — I shall take only one however, & that, but for a weekcertain. — Miſs Heywood, I astonishyou. – You hardly know what tomake of me. — I see by your Looks, that


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