1 [ p.8 ]

looked them over, added — "I beleive Ican explain it Sir. — Your mistake isin the place. — There are two Willing::dens in this Country — & your adver::tisements refer to the other — which is Great Willingden, or Willingden Abbots, & lies 7 miles off, on the other sideof Battel — quite down in the Weald.And we Sir — (speaking rather proudly)are not in the Weald." "Not down in the Weald I am sure Sir, repliedthe Travellor, pleasantly. It took ushalf an hour to climb your Hill. –Well Sir — I dare say it is as you say, & I have made an abominably stupidBlunder. — All done in a moment; – the advertisements did not catch myeye till thelast half hour of our beingin Town —; whereen1[.]everything2wasbeinginin the hurry & confusion which always attend ashort stay there –One is nevernothing able to becompletedanything in the way of Busineſsyou know till the Carriage is at the door —andIaccordingly satisfyingsatisfied myself with a breif enquiry,& finding we were actually to paſs


'where' is altered 'when'.Back to context...
First 'e' written over a single illegible character.Back to context...
Image for page: b1-8 of manuscript: sanditon