Sanditon: Diplomatic DisplayCambridgeKing's College Cambridge, No Accession Number
What in the
name of CommonSenseis to recommend Brinshore? — Amost
insalubrious Air — Roads pro::verbially
detestable — Water Brackishbeyond example, impoſsible
to get agood dish of Tea within 3
milesof the place — & as for the Soil — it is so cold & ungrateful that
itcan hardly be made to proyeildgrow aCabbage. — Depend upon it
Sir, thatthis is a faithful Description ofBrinshore — not in
the smallestdegree exaggerated — & if
you haveheard it differently spoken of –––" "Sir, I never heard it spoken ofin my Life before, said Mr . Heywood.
I did not know there was such aplace in the World." —"You didnot! — There my Dear — (turning withexultation to his Wife) — you see howit is. So much for the Celebrity ofBrinshore! — This Gentleman did not know there was such a place
inthe World. Why, in truth Sir, I
fancyI fancy Sir,1 we mayapply to Brinshore, thoseat2 lines ofthe Poet Cowper in
his description
- 1.
- Comma repurposed as caret.Back to context...
- 2.
- 'those' altered to 'that' by writing 'at' over 'ose'.Back to context...