The Watsons (2): Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Eng.e.3764
was an old greivance. — "So late, my dear, whatare you talking of; cried the Husband with sturdypleasantry —. We are always at home
before midnight. They would laugh at Osborne Castleto hear you call that late; they are but justrising from dinner at
midnight." —"That isnothing to the purpose. – retorted the Ladycalmlygravely.The Osbornes are to be no rule for us.You hadbetter meet every night, & break up twoyourhours sooner."party at ten, than So far, the subject was veryoften carried; –
but Mr . & Mrs . Edwards were sowiseasenough never to paſs that point; & Mr . Edwardsnowturned to something else,. —thHe1 had
lived longsufficiently long enough in the Idleneſs of a Town
tobecome a little of a Goſsip, & havinghe had somecuriosity to know more of the themarriage of that Circumstances
ofAunt with whom his young Guesthad been usedto reside, than had yet reached him, he beganob::withserved to
her, "I think Miſs Emma, I remem::ber
your Aunt very well about 30 years ago; I amone of thepretty sure I danced with her in the oldat Wiltshire’srooms at Bath, the year before I married —.She was a very fine woman then — but likeother people I suppose
she is grown somewhat older since that time. — I hope she is
likelyto be happy in her second choice."
- 1.
- Comma overwritten by full stop; 'H' written over 'th'.Back to context...