10 [ p.7 ]

to be his constant Compn :Companion each Eveng .eveningwas confined both days to his room – & asEliz.Elizabethwholoved company of any kind too well, not toprefer being below, when at all riskswhile she cd .couldbeleive1 persuadedto beleive it no sacrifice on Emma’s part. —as She had rather talk of Croydon towith Jane,with everyall the interruptions of Margt .'sMargaret's perverse::neſs, than sit with only her father, whofrequently cd .could not endure Talking at all, the affairit was soon so settled, as soon as she could bepersuaded to beleive it no sacrifice on herSister’s part. To Emma, the Exchangeit was a most accep::table, & delightful, releif. Mr . Her father, if ill,required little more thanonly gentleneſs & silence; &, being a manif able toof Sense & Educabeingtion, was if able to converse,converse, as he was a man of Education &Taste, he was a pleasing a welcome companion. In his chamber, Emma was at peace from the dreadful mortificationsEvils of unequal Society, & familyDiscord — from the immediate endurance ofHard-hearted prosperity, low-minded Conceitmeanspirited Self-suffi:: and aciency, & wrong-headed folly, engraftedilldisposed on an un::toward Disposition. — Shestill suffered from them in the Contemplationonly in of their existence; in memory & in pros::pect, but for the moment, she ceased to behad a pause –tortured by their effects. effusions. — She was could at leisure,she could read & think, tho’though herHer situation perhapswashardlynot such as to make reflection very soothing.


Apparently 'leive' was first erased to leave 'be', and then the whole word was erased.Back to context...
Image for page: b10-7 of manuscript: qmwats