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repeatedentertained of Musgrave’s coming to dinner,preparations were made for his Entertainmentmuch exceeding what had been done deemed ne::ceſsary the day f before; for Mrs . Robert — and taking the office of Superintendance entirely from hersuperseding all Eliz.’sElizabeth's caresin her usual cares, sheSisterfor the occasion, shewas half the morning in the Kitchen,1herself directing& scolding. —After a great deal of indifferent Cooking, & anxiousCooking, &Suspense howeverwaiting they were obliged to sit down withouttheir Guest. –T.Tom Musgrave never came, & Margt .Margaretwas at no pains to conceal her vexation, underor the disappointment, orrepreſs the peevishneſs of her Temper —. ThePeace of the party for the remainder of thatday, & the whole of the next, which com::prised the length of Robert & Jane’s visit, was continually invaded by her fretful dis::pleasure, & querulous attacks. —altercations.Eliz.Elizabeth wasthe usual object of both. Margt .MargaretShe had just respect enoughfor her Br .Brother & Sr's .Sister's opinion, to behave properlyby them, but Eliz.Elizabeth & the maids cd .could never doany thing right — & Emma, whomfound the sheseemed no longer to think about, found the continuance of theaffecte .affectionate gentle voice even shorter lived beyond hermore short lived even thancalculation breif. she had expected. Delightedshort.GladEager to be as littleamong them as poſsible, Emma was delighted with the alternative of glad to each evengeveningeager topropose [..] & in just sitting in just with in attending her Father whotake Eliz:'sElizabeth's usual place with in their Father’s room,sitting aboveupstairs, with her father, &who warmly entreated


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