The Watsons (1): Diplomatic DisplayNew YorkMorgan Library & Museum, MS. MA 1034
I am sure I shd .should never have forgiven theperson who kept me from a Ball at 19."Emma expreſsed
her gratitude, & for a few min::utes they jogged
on in silence. — Elizabethfirst spoke. — "You will take notice whoMary Edwards dances with." — "I will remem::ber her partnerstheir names if I can – but do you knowwish me they will be all strangersparticularly to observe them to me." "Onlyobserve whether she dances with Capt.CaptainHunter,Carrmore than once; I have my fearsam rather afraidinof thatquarter. Not that her Father or Mother likeofficers, but
if she does you know, it is allall theover
withworse for poor Sam. –And I have promisedto
write him word who she dances with."
"Is Sam attached to Miſs Edwardes?" ––– "Didnot you know that? —" "How should I knowit? – How should I know in ShropshireDevonshire, whatis paſsing of that nature in Surry?in Suſsex? — It is not likely thatcircumstances of such delicacyso delicate a nature shouldmake any part of the scanty communicationCorrespondencewhich paſsed betweenyou & me for the last
14us for a dozen years;"
"I wonder I never mentioned it when Iwrote. Since you have been at home, Ihave been so busy with my poor Father& our great wash