The Watsons (1): Diplomatic DisplayNew YorkMorgan Library & Museum, MS. MA 1034
The first winter assembly inof the Town of LL —D.1 –in Suſsexrry2 was to be held on TuesdayOctr .Octoberyethe 13th, & it waswas generally expected to be a very good one; a long list of CountryFamilies was confidently run over as sure of
attending, & sanguine hopeswere entertained that the Osbornes
themselves would be there. —The Edwardes' invitation to
the Watsons followed of course. The Edward'swere people of fortune who
lived in the Town & kept their Coach; the Watsons inhabited a village about 3 miles distant,
were poor & had no close carriage; & ever since there had been
Balls in the place, the former hadwere accustomed to invite the Latter
to dreſsdine & sleep at their House,for on every monthly return throughout the winter. — On the presentoccasion, as only two of
Mr . W'sWatson's children were at home, & one was always neceſsary to him asone only of the Family f in Stanton Parsonage could
profit bycompanion to himself, for he was
sickly & had lost his wife 3 one only could profit by the kindness of their friends; Miſs Emma Watson was to make her first who was very recently
returned to her family from the care of an Aunt who hadpublic appearance in the Neighbourhood; &
Miſs Watson drove herbrought her up
was to make her first public appearance in the neighbourhood – &her eldest
Sister, whose delight in a Ball was not leſsened by a ten
years EngageEnjoyment4, had& all her finery in the old Chair to D. on
the important morning of the some merit in
chearfullyher eldest Sister
who had kindly undertookaking 5 to drive her & all her finery inBall; without being able to stay & share
the pleasure herself, because the old Chair
to D. on the important morng .morning–––her Father who was an Invalid could not be left to spend the Eveng .Eveningalone
- 1.
- JA appears to have named the town 'L —', deleted the 'L', reinserted an 'L', and altered it to 'D'. Back to context...
- 2.
- 'Sussex' altered to 'Surry' by writing 'rry' over 'ssex'.Back to context...
- 3.
- Caret deleted.Back to context...
- 4.
- 'Enjoy' written over previous word, possibly 'Engage'.Back to context...
- 5.
- 'undertook' altered to 'undertaking' by writing 'aking' over 'ook'.Back to context...