Lady Susan: Diplomatic DisplayNew YorkMorgan Library & Museum, MS. MA 1226
Letter 2d .
Lady Susan to Mrs . Johnson
You were mistaken my dear Harriet Alicia1, in sup::posing me fixed at this place for the rest of thewinter. It greives me to say how greatly you were mistaken, for I have seldom spent three monthsmore agreably than those which have just flownaway. — At present nothing goes smoothly. – TheFemales of the Family are united against me. – You foretold how it would be, when I first came to Langford; & Manwaring is so uncommonly pleas::ing that I was not without apprehensions myself. I remember saying to myself as I drove to theHouse, "I like this Man; pray Heaven no harmcome of it!" — But I was determined to be discreet, to bear in mind my being only four months a wi::dow, & to be as quiet as poſsible, — and I have been
- 1.
- 'Alicia's is written over an erased earlier name, apparently 'Harriet.'Back to context...