Lady Susan: Diplomatic DisplayNew YorkMorgan Library & Museum, MS. MA 1226
too much into society for my present situation & state of mind; & I impatiently look forward to the hour when I shall be admitted into your delightful retirement.I long to be made known to your dear little Children, in whose hearts I shall be very eager to secure an in::terest. — I shall soon have occasion for all my for::titude, as I am on the point of separation from myown daughter. — The long illneſs of her dear Fatherprevented my paying her that atttention which Duty & affection equally dictated, & I have but too much rea::son to fear that the Governeſs to whose care I con::signed her, was unequal to the charge. — I have therefore resolved on placing her at one of the bestPrivateSchools in Town, where I shall have an op::portunity of leaving her myself, in my way to you. I am determined you see, not to be denied admittanceat Churchill. – It would indeed give me most pain::ful sensations to know that it were not in yourpower to receive me. — Yr . most obliged & affec: Sister
S. Vernon. –––