Volume the Third: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 65381
to make the good woman uneasy was
im::poſsible —.
He turned from her in visible a::gitation.
"What a situation am I in!" said he to himself as he
walked to the windowand threw up the sash. He found himselfrevived by the Air, which he felt to a
muchgreater degree when he had opened the win::dow than he had done before. Yet it wasbut for a moment —. The agonizing painidea ofDoubt and Suspence again weighed down hisSpirits. The good woman who had watchedin
eager silence every turn of his Countenance
with that benevolence which characterizesthe inhabitants of
Evelyn, intreated him totell
her the cause of his uneasineſs. "Isthere
anything Sir in my power to do,
[.]that1may releive your Greifs —Tell me in whatmanner I can sooth them, & beleive me thatthefreindly balm of Comfort and Aſsistance shall
- 1.
- Comma and single, partially-formed letter erased before 'that'.Back to context...