laboured both by Night and by Day, in order to getthe Wedding dinner ready by the time appointed,after having roasted Beef, Broiled[.]Mutton1, andStewedSoup enough to last the new-married Couplethrough the Honey-moon, I had theto find that mortificationof finding that I had been Roasting, Broilingand Stewing both the Meat and Myself to nopurpose. Indeed my dear Freind, I never remem--ber suffering any vexation equal to what Iexperienced on last Monday when my Sister camerunning to me in the Store-room with her faceas White as a Whipt syllabub, and told me thatHervey had been thrown from his Horse, hadfractured his Scull and was pronounced by his Sur--geon to be in the most emminentDanger.


'M' written over illegible erased letter.Back to context...
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