there a better young Man! Ah! how little didhe deserve the misfortunes he has experiencedin the Marriage state. So good a Husband to so bada Wife;!1 for you know my dear Charlotte that theworthleſs Louisa left him, her Child & reputationa few weeks ago in company with Danvers &+ dishonour.Never was there a sweeter face, a finer form, or aleſs amiable Heart than Louisa owned! Her childalready poſseſses the personal Charms of her un::happy Mother! May she inherit from her Fatherall his mental ones! Lesley is at present but fiveand twenty, and has already given himself up tomelancholy and Desperair2; what a difference betweenhim and his Father!;3 Sir George is 57 and still remainsthe Beau, the flightly stripling, the gay Lad; and sprightly

+Rakehelly Dishonor Esqre .


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