Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
Macbeth, in which we were truly
great. TheManager always played Banquo himself, hisWife my Lady
Macbeth, I did theThreeWitches& Philander acted all the
rest. To say the truththis tragedy was not only
the Best, but the onlyPlay we ever performed; & after
having acted itall over England, Ireland, and Wales, we came toScotland to exhibit it
over the remainder ofGreat Britain. We happened to quit be quar::tered in that
very Town, where you came andmet your
Grandfather –. We were in the Inn-yardwhen his Carriage
entered & perceiving by theArms
to whom it belonged, & knowing that LordSt Clair was our Grandfather, we
agreed to en::deavour to get something
from him by discover::ing the Relationship –. You know how well itsucceeded –. Having obtained the two HundredPounds, we instantly
left the Townroom, leavingour Manager
& his Wife to act Macbeth by them::selves, &
took the road to Sterling, where we