little attention to what she said, & desired her to satisfy my Curiosity by informing me how shecame there, instead of wounding my spotleſs re::putation with unjustifiableunmanlyReproaches. As soon asshe had complyed with my wishes in this par::ticular & had given me an accurate detail ofevery thing wthat1 had befallen her since ourseparation (the particulars of which if you are notalready acquainted with, your Mother will give you)I applied to Augusta for the same informationrespecting herself, Sir Edward & Lady Dorothea.

She told me that having a considerable taste forthe Beauties of Nature, her curiosity to behold thedelightfulBeautifull scenes it exhibited in that part of theWorld had been so much raised by Gilpin's Tourto the Highlands, that she had prevailed on herFather to undertake a Tour to Scotland & she had2persuaded Lady Dorothea to accompany them. Thatthey had arrived at Edinburgh a few Days before& from thence had mademany daily Excursions intothe Country around in the StageCoach they werethen in, from one of which Excursions they wereat that time returning. My next enquiries were


'what' altered to 'that' by erasing 'w' and overwriting with 't'.Back to context...
'had' written over erased 'she'.Back to context...
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