Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
one of the two that were unfurnished – From thencehe proceeded into a Closet equally bare. A
pairof Stairs that went out of it led him
intoa room above, no leſs destitute, & these
apart::ments he found composed the whole of theHouse. He was by no means displeased with
this discovery, as he had the comfort of reflecting that he should
not be obligedto lay out any thing on furniture himerself –––.He returned immediately to
his Brother, whotook him the next day to
every Shop inTown, & bought what ever was requisite tofurnish the two rooms & the Closet. In a
few days every thing was completed, andWilhelminus returned to
take poſseſsion ofhis Cottage. Robertus accompanied him, withhis Lady the amiable SisteCecilia1
& her two lovelySisters Arabella and Marina to whom Wilhel::minus was tenderly attached, and a
- 1.
- 'Cecilia' written over erased 'Siste[rs]'.Back to context...