Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
To be Lett
A NeatCottage on the borders of an extensive fo::rest & about three Miles from the Sea. It isready furnished except two rooms & a Closet.
The delighted Wilhelminus posted away im::mediately to his brother, & shewed him the advertisement. Robertus congratulated him &sent him in his Carriage to take poſseſsionof the Cottage. After travelling for three days& six Nights without Stopping, they arrivedat the Forest & following a track which ledby [.]1it's side down a steep Hill over whichten Rivulets meandered, they reached the Cot::tage in half an hour. Wilhelminus alight::ed, and after knocking for some time with::out receiving any answer or hearing anyone stir within, he opened the door which wasfastened onlyby a wooden latch & entered a small room, which he immediately perceived to be
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- Illegible letter erased before 'it's'.Back to context...