Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
this Morning merely from having taken Leaveof Mrs Marlowe
who with her Husband, Brotherand Child are to leave
Bristol this Morning.I am sorry to have
them go because they are theonly family with whom we have any
ac::quaintance, but I never thought of
crying; tobe sure Eloisa & Mrs Marlowe
have always beenmore together than with me, and have
thereforecontracteda kind ofan affection for each other, which doesnot make Tears so inexcusable in them as
theywould be in me. The Marlowes are going to Town;Cleveland accompanies them; as neither
Eloisanor I could catch him I hope thatYou or Matildamay have
better Luck. I know not when weshall
leave Bristol, Eloisa's Spirits are so low