Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
often felt myself extremely satirical but it wasthe only time I ever made my feelings public.
I suppose there never were two young peoplewho had a greater affection for each other thanHenry & Eloisa; no, the Love of your Brother forMiſs Burton could not be so strong tho'though it mightbe more violent. You may imagine thereforehow provoked my Sister must have beento have him play her such a trick. Poor girl!She still laments his Death, with undiminish::ed Constancy, notwithstanding he has been deadmore than six weeks; but some people mindsuch things more than others. The ill state ofHealth into which his Loſs has thrown hermakes her so weak, & so unable to support theleast exertion, that she has been in tears all