Volume the First: Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Don.e.7.
pleasure, the wedding cloathes were bought ¬hing remained to be settled but the namingof the Day.
As to the lovely Charlotte, being im::portuned with eagerneſs to pay
another visitto her Aunt, she determined
to accept theinvitation & in consequence of it walked
toMrsFitzroys to take leave of the
amiable Re::becca, whom she found surrounded
by PatchesRouge,Powder, Pomatum & Paint with which
shewas vainly endeavoureding
to remedy the na::tural plainneſs of her face.
"I am come my amiable Rebecca, totake my leave of you for the fortnight I amdestined to spend with my aunt. Beleiveme this separation is painfull to me,but it is as neceſsary as the labour whichnow engages you."