Volume the First: Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Don.e.7.
"Short & sweet;" (said Sophy.) but pray Mary howwill be this be made up?"1
"He ought to ask my pardon; but if he did, Iwould not forgive him."
"His Submiſsion then would not be very useful." When we were dreſsed we returned to the Par--lour where Mama & Mr Watts were in closeConversation. It seems that he had been com--plaining to her of her Daughter’s behaviour,& she had persuaded him to think no more of it.He therefore met Mary with all his accustomedCivility, & except one touch at the Phaeton andanother at the Greenhouse, the Evening wentoff with great Harmony & Cordiality. Watts isgoing to Town to hasten the preparations forthe Wedding. I am your affec:teaffectionateFreind G.S.
- 1.
- 'will be this be'; first 'be' written in error and not deleted in manuscriptBack to context...