Fanny)Then t'was to no purpose that I . . . .

Daphne)None upon Earth.

Mrs Hum:)And what is to become of? . . . .

Daphne)Oh! thats all settled. (whispers Mrs Humbug)

Fanny)And how is it determined?

Daphne)I'll tell you. (whispers Fanny)

Mrs Hum:)And is he to? . . .

Daphne)I'll tell you all I know of the matter.(whispers Mrs Humbug & Fanny)

Fanny)Well! now I know every thing aboutit, I'll go away.and dreſs.

Mrs Hum:
And so will I.

Scene the 3d

The Curtain rises and discovers Sir Edward Spangle reclined in an elegant Attitude on a
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