Volume the First: Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Don.e.7.
143A Parlour in
Humbug's house.Mrs Humbug & Fanny, discovered at
Scene the 2d
Mrs Hum:)You understand me my Love?
Fanny)Perfectly ma'am. Pray continueyour narration.
Mrs Hum:)Alas! it is nearly concluded, for I have nothing more to say on theSubject.
Fanny)Ah! here's Daphne.
Enter Daphne.Daphne)My dear Mrs Humbug how d'yedo? Oh! Fanny t'is all over.
Fanny)Is it indeed?!1
Mrs Hum:)I am very sorry to hear it.
- 1.
- Exclamation mark written over erased question mark.Back to context...