Two Chapters of Persuasion: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, MS Egerton 3038
doubt of my having promised theAdml .Admiral Croft to speak to you on someparticular Subject — & this convictiondetermines me to do it —so —. howeverrepugnant to my feelings — to allmy sense of propriety1, to be
takingso great a liberty. — You will ac::quit me of Impertinence I trust;by considering me as
speakingonly foranother, & speaking by Neceſsity; —and the Adml .Admiral is a Man who cannever be thought Impertinent byone who knows him as you do –His Intentions are always the
kind::est & the Best; —and you will perceive that he is actuated by none
other, in the application which I amnow with —
with very peculiarfeelings — obliged to make." —He stopped — but merely to recoverbreath; — not seeming to expect anyanswer. — Anne listened, as if herLife depended on the iſsue of hisSpeech. — He proceeded, with a veryforced alacrity. –"The Adml -.Admiral, Madam, was this morning confidently informedthat you
were ––– upon my wordI am quite at a loſs, really ashamed — (breathing & speaking quick) — the
- 1.
- 'e' squeezed in as inline insertion.Back to context...