Two Chapters of Persuasion: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, MS Egerton 3038
Chap. 10.
With all this knowledge of Mr . EElliot –& with this authority topower of imparting it,Anne leftquitted Westgate BuildgsBuildings — her mind deeply busy in revolving what she had
heard, feeling, thinking, recalling& forseeing everything, shocked by whatat aboutshe had heard
about Mr Elliot —Mr . Elliot, sighing over future Kellynchand pained for Lady Ruſsell, & greiving with& glancing withcomplacency
or triumphing with concerncomposed Complacency & Lenient Triumphthat Events should only now have shown her upon the fact
of her having beenright & Lady RRussell::herself wrong, the most discriminating of the two.
She had neverbeen satisfied. Lady Ruſsell'swhose confidencein him had been entire. —But,thThe1Embarraſs::ment which
must be felt from thishourmoment in his presence! — How to be::have to him? — how to get rid of him?
—What to do by any of the Party
athome? — where to be blind? — whereto be active? — It was altogether aconfusion of Images & Doubts — aperplexity, an AgitationEmbarraſsment whichshe could not see the end of it–––And she was in Gay St -Street — & still somuchfar engroſsed, that she started onas to start at beingaddreſsed by Adml .Admiral Croft, as ifhe were aperson unlikely to be met there.
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