of every noble sentiment.

A sensibility too tremblingly alive toevery affliction of my Freinds, my Acquaintanceand particularly to every affliction of my own,was my ownonly1 fault, if a fault it could be called.

Alas! how altered now! Tho'Though indeed my ownmisfortunes do not make leſs impreſsion onme than they ever did, yet now I never feelfor those of an other. – My accomplishmentstoo, begin to fade — I can neither sing so wellnor Dance so gracefully as I once did — and Ihave entirely forgot the Minuet Dela Cour



Letter 4th

Laura to Marianne

Our neighbourhood was small, for it consistedonly of your Mother. She may probably have alreadytold you that being left by her Parents in indigentCircumstances she had retired into Wales on economi:


'wn' overwritten by 'nly'.Back to context...
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