7 [ p.8 ]

Elizth ..Elizabeth called loudly briskly was calling after Nanny "to tell Bettyto take up the Fowls." – "I am sorry it happensso – she added, turning goodhumouredlytowards Musgrave – butyouknow what early hours we keep. —" Tom had nothing to say for himself, he knew it very well, & such honest simplicity, such shameleſs Truthrather bewildered him. –Ld .Lord Osborne's1  parting Compts .Complimentstook sometime, to pay his parting Compts .Compliments his inclination his rea: to Emma; the for speech:dineſs at words seeming to increase with theshortneſs of the term for indulgence. — He recom=:mended Exercise in defiance of dirt — spokeagain in praise of Half-bootsbegged that his Sisterwanted her to might be allow'dallowed2his sister to send Emmaher the name of her Shoe==maker — & concluded with saying, " My HoundsI shallwill be hunting this Country next week — I be::leive they will throw off at Stanton Wood onWednesday at 9 o’clock. —I mention this, in hopes of yr .your being I hope you will be drawn outto see what’s going on. —Every body allowsNobody can be in::that there is not so fine a sight in the worlddifferent to the glorious soundsa pack of Foxas a pack of Hounds in full cry. I am sure youwill be pleaseddelighted to hear the first Burst — if wecan but find them as I daresay we shall. — If themorning’s tolerable, pray do us the honour of giving us your good wishesdo not be kept at homein person."


Apostrophe and 's' in 'Osborne's' an inline insertion.Back to context...
Apostrophe and 'd' of 'allow'd' are inline insertion, as a consequence of the superlinear revision.Back to context...
Image for page: b7-8 of manuscript: qmwats