10 [ p.1 ]

"Emma is delightful, is not she? — whispered Margt .MargaretI have found her more than answer my warmesthopes. — Did you ever see any thing more perfectlybeautiful? — I think even you must be a convertto a brown complexion." — He hesitated; Margaretwas fair herself, & he did not particularly wantto compliment her; but Miſs Osborne & Miſs Carrwas likewise fair, & his devotion to them carriedthe day. "Your Sister’s complexion, said he at last,is as fine as a dark complexion canthe hue of1 her ski be, but I stillprofeſs my preference of a white skin. Youhave seen Miſs Osborne? — She is my model forvery fair. a trulyMiſs Osborne feminine complexion, & she isvery fair." —Is she fairer than me?" — "She is about as fair as I am, I Tom made no reply. —"Upon mythink." Instead of making any reply, Tom HonourLadies, said he, giving a glance overhis own person, I am highly endebted to yourmost fervently ashamedCondescension for admitting me, in suchDishabillea state,2 into your Drawing room. I really didnot consider how unfitunsuitablyunfit I was to be hereto for your pre3::sence, or I hope I should have kept my dis==tance. Ly.Lady Osborne would tell me that Iwere growing as careleſs as her son, if she sawme in this condition." — The Ladies were notwanting in civil returns; &4 Robert Watson stealingtook


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