Volume the Third: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 65381
stood by him still preſsing him to eat anddrink a little more. "And now my good Sir,
saidMr Webb, when Mr
Gower's repast was concluded, what else can we do to contribute
to your happi::neſs and expreſs the Affection we bear for you. Tell us what you wish more to receive; and
depend upon our gratitude for the communication of yourwishes." "Give me then your house & Grounds;I ask for nothing else." "It is yours, exlaimedboth at once; from this moment it is
yours." ThisAgreement concluded on and the present accepted
byMr Gower, Mr Webb rang
to have the Carriageordered, telling William
at the same time tocall the young Ladies.
"Best of Men, said Mrs Webb, we will not longintrude upon your Time."
"Make no Apologies dear Madam, replied Mr Gower, You are welcome to stay this half hour if you like it."
They both burst forth into raptures of Admiration