Sanditon: Diplomatic DisplayCambridgeKing's College Cambridge, No Accession Number
E.EdwardD.Denham by her side. — They were sitting so
near each other & appeared so closelyengaged in gentle
conversation, that Ch–Charlotteinstantly felt that she had nothing to do but to step back again,
& say nota word. — Privacy was certainly
their ob::ject. — It could
not but strikeher ratherunfavourably with regard to Clara; —but hers was a situation which mustoughtnot to be judged with severity. — Shewas glad to perceive that nothing of ithad been discernedseen&by1
Mrs . Parker;.2iIf3
Charlotteshewashad4not been considerably the tallest of the two, or Miſs B.'sBrereton's white ribbons might not havefallen within the ken of
her more ob::servant eyes. — Among other points of
moralising reflection which the sightof this Tete a Tete produced, Charlottecd .could not but think of the extreme dif::ficulty which secret Lovers must have
in finding a proper spot for their stolenInterveiws. – Here perhaps they hadthought
themselves soperfectly secure fromobservation! — the
whole field open be::fore them — a steep bank & Palesnever croſsed by the foot by5Manat their back —behind them — and a great thickneſs
- 1.
- 'b' of 'by' written over an ampersand.Back to context...
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- Full stop replaces erased semi-colon.Back to context...
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- 'I' written over 'i'.Back to context...
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- 'had' written over 'was'.Back to context...
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- 'by' accidentally written for 'of'.Back to context...