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relation lately settled at Clapham,who actually attends the Seminary& attends some of the girls of theand gives leſsons on Eloquence andSeminary, to give them leſsons inBotany1 &BellesLettres to some of theGirls. — I got that Man a Hare fromone of Sidney's friends – and he re::commended Sanditon; Without myappearing.2however. – Mrs . Charles Dupuis managedit all. —"

Chapter 10.

It was not a week,ago since Miſs Diana Parker had been told by herfeelings, that the Sea Airwd .would probably in her present state, be the death of her, and now she was at Sanditon, intendingto make some Stay, & without appearing to have the slightest recollection ofhaving written or felt any such thing. —It was impoſsible for Charlotte not to suspect a good deal of fancy in suchan extraordinary state of health. —Disorders & Recoveries so very much out of the common way, seemed more like the amusement of eager minds in want of employment than of actualafflictions & releif. The Parkers, were


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