1 [ p.22 ]

Nobody wanted Spirits. Nobodynor cd .could the most obstinate Cougher re::wanted Strength.tain a cough there 4 & 20 hours. — Theywere healing, softing, relaxing — forti::fying & bracing seemingly just as wh waswanted – sometimes one, sometimes theother. — If the Sea breeze failed, the Sea-Bath was the certain corrective; – & whereBathing disagreed, the Sea Breeze alonewas evidentlypalpably designed by Nature for thecure. — His eloquence however couldnot prevail. Mr - & Mrs . H —Heywood never left home. Marrying early & having a verynumerous Family, they their movementshad been longvery longlimitted to one small circle; & they were older inHabits than in Age. — Exceptingtwo Journeys to London in the year,to receive his Dividends, Mr - H.Heywood went no farther than his feet, or his well--tried old Horsecould carryconveyed him, andMrs . Heywood's Adventurings wereonly now & then to visit her Neigh::bours, in the oldolCoach which had been new when they married &fresh lined on their EldestSon's coming ofage 10 years ago.

Image for page: b1-22 of manuscript: sanditon