The Watsons (2): Diplomatic DisplayOxfordBodleian Library, MS.Eng.e.3764
to play atCribbage? — Margaret & I have alwaysplayed at Cribbage, most nights that we
havenot been engaged." — A sound like a distant Carriagewas at this
moment caught;heard; every body listened; &it grewmbecame1 more decided; it certainly
drewnearer. — It was an unusual sound in Stantonat any time of
the day, for the Village was onnovery public road, & contained no gentleman’s familybut the Rector’s.
— The wheels rapidly approached; — in two minutes the general expectation was answered; they stoppedbeyond a doubt at
the garden gate of the Parsonage. "Who could it be? – it was certainly a postchaise. —Penelope was the only creature to beperson thought of. Sheas tolerablylikely might perhaps have met with some unexpectedsuddenopportunity of returning." — A pause of suspenseensued. —FootsSteps2 were distinguished, first
along the pavedheard on along3Footway which leupon the pavedgravelad under the windows of thehouse from the gate to the front door, & then withinin the paſsage. They were the Steps of a
man. It could not be Penelope. It must be Samuel. —The door
opened, & displayedshewed Tom Musgrave —in4the wrap of a Travellor. ––– He had been inLondon & was now on his way home,
& hehad come half a mile out of his road merelyto call for ten minutes at
Stanton. He loved
- 1.
- 'be' written over 'm'.Back to context...
- 2.
- 'S'in 'Steps' written over 's'.Back to context...
- 3.
- Deleted 'heard on along the paved' is written over a previous, now illegible erased phrase.Back to context...
- 4.
- 'in' written over a dash.Back to context...