8 [p.8 ]

heard from Pen. lately since she went to Chicher.?1away?I had a letter the other day. — I don't find she islikely to make anything of it. I fancy she'llcome back "Miſs Penelope" as she went. —" —Such, she feared would be Margaret's common voice, when the novelty of her own appearance wereover; the tone of artificial Sensibility was notrecommended by the idea. — The Ladies were in::vited upstairs to prepare for dinner. "I hopeyou will find things tolerably comfortable Jane" –said Elizth .Elizabeth as she opened the door of the spare-bed==chamber. — "My good creature, replied Jane, useno ceremony with me, I intreat you. I am oneof those who always take things as they findthem. I hope I can put up with a small apart::ment for two or three nights, without makinga peice of work. I always wish to be treatedquite "en famille" when I come to see you —now &I do hope you have not been getting a greatdinner for us. – Remember we never eatSuppers." — "I suppose, said Margt .Margaretrather quickly to Emma,you & I are to be together; Elizth .Elizabeth alwaystakes care to have a room to herself." — "No –Elizth .Elizabeth gives me half her’s." —"Oh! —(in a soften'dsoftened voice, &2 rather mortified to findthat she was not ill used)


RWC has 'Chichester', which is clearly intended; but the final letters are blotted and it is not certain if an abbreviation is being used.Back to context...
'&' overwrites a short dash.Back to context...
Image for page: b8-8 of manuscript: qmwats