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to tell whatever might interest. – After a cordialreception of Emma, he turned to his daughter with "Well Mary, I bring you good news. – The Osborneswill certainly be at the Ball tonight. – Horses fortwo Carriages are ordered from the White Hart, to beat Osborne Castle by 9 at 8. —" "I am glad of it — observedMrs . E., because their coming gives a credit to our the Aſsemblies. Ball. The Osbornes being known to have beenat the first Ball, will dispose a great many peo::ple to attend the second. — It is more than they deservenot very reasonable,for in fact they add nothing to the pleasure of the Evening, they come so late, & go so early; — but Great Peoplehave always their charm." must always be the vogue, & Little ones  are very fond of looking at love to be infatuated by them. — Mr . Edwardsproceeded to relate every other little article of newswhich his morning's lounge had supplied him with,& they chatted with greater briskneſs, till Mrs . E.'smoment for dreſsing arrived, & the young Ladieswere carefully recommended to lose no time. —Emma was shewn to a very comfortable apart::ment, & as soon as Mrs . E.'s civilities could leaveher to herself, the happy occupation, the first Bliſs of a Ball began. — The girls, dreſsingin some measure together, grew unavoidablybetter acquainted; Emma found in Miſs E.

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