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She was very much preſsed by Robert &Jane to return with them to Croydon, &had some difficulty in getting a refusalaccepted; as they thought too highly of theirown kindneſs & situation, to suppose the offerycould appear in a leſs advantageous favourable light toanybody else. —Elizth .Elizabeth gave them her interest,tho'though evidently against her own, in privatelyurging Emma to go — "You do not know whatyou refuse Emma – said she – nor what youhave to bear at home. — I would advise youby all means to accept the invitation; thereis always something lively going on atCroydon,you will be in company almost everyday, & Robt .Robert & Jane will be very kind toyou –. It is a pity you should not go. – Asfor me, I shall be no worseoff without you,than I have been used to be; but poorMargt .’sMargaret'sdisagreable ways are new to you,& they would vex you more than you thinkfor, if you stay at home. —" Emma was ofcourse un-influenced, except to greater esteemaffectionfor Elizth .Elizabeth, by such representations — & the Visitorsdeparted without her.

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