The Watsons (1): Diplomatic DisplayNew YorkMorgan Library & Museum, MS. MA 1034
When she went awaythe other day, she said it should bethe last time. of trial. – I suppose you didnot know what herparticularBusineſs was at
ChichesterSouth::ampton – nor what [..]gueſs at1 the you did not
object butthat2that tcould3could take her away, from Stanton from home justas you were coming home after so manyyears
absence." — "No indeed, I had notshould never thehave smallest suspicion of it. I considered herengagement
to Mrs . Shaw just at that timeas very
unfortunate for me. I had hopedto find all my Sisters at home; to be able toI wished tomake aan4immediate friend of each." —"I suspect the Dr have
had an attack of the Asthma.Gout, & thatshe was hurried away on that account —The Shaws are quite on her side. – At leastI beleive so – but she tells me nothing. Sheprofeſses to keep her own counsel; she says,& truly enough, that
"Too many Cooks spoilthe Broth." –––"I am sorry for her anxieties,said Emma, — but I do not like her plansor her opinions. I
shall be afraid of her. –She must have too
masculine & bold a temper. –To be so bent on Marriage – to pursue a Man merelyfor
the sake of Situation – is a sort of thing that
- 1.
- 'gueſs at' written over erased 'what', followed by 2-3 erased letters.Back to context...
- 2.
- The manuscript is unclear here. It appears that JA wrote 'but | t', subsequently overwriting with 'that could'Back to context...
- 3.
- 'c' written over a 't'.Back to context...
- 4.
- 'an' written over 'a'.Back to context...