Lady Susan: Diplomatic DisplayNew YorkMorgan Library & Museum, MS. MA 1226
particularly prejudiced against her; but it is more like::ly that she should aim at something farther. ––– She is poor, & may naturally seek an alliance whichmust be advantageous to herself. ––– You know yourown rights, & that itis out of my power to prevent yourinheriting the family Estate. My Ability of distreſs::ing you during my Life, would be a species of re::venge to which I should hardly stoop under anycircumstances. — I honestly tell you my Sentiments& Intentions. I do not wish to work on your Fears,but on your Sense & Affection. — It would destroyevery comfort of my Life, to know that you were married to Lady Susan Vernon. It would be thedeath of that honest Pride with which I have hi::therto considered my son, I should blush to seehim, to hear of him, to think of him. –––
I may perhaps do no good, but that of re::leiving my own mind, by this Letter; but I felt it