to repent that I did not let Charles buy Vernon Castle when we were obliged to sell it, but it was a tryingcircumstance, especially as the Sale took place exactlyat the time of his marriage — & everybody ought to respect the delicacy of those feelings, which could notendure that my Husband's Dignity should be leſsenedby his younger brother's having poſseſsion of the Family Estate. — Could Matters have been so arranged as to pre::vent the neceſsity of our leaving the Castle, could we have lived with Charles & kept him single, I should have been very far from persuading my husband todispose of it elsewhere; — but Charles was then onthe point of marrying Miſs De Courcy, & the eventhas justified me. Here are Children in abundance, & what benefit could have accrued to me from hispurchasing Vernon? – My having prevented it, may perhaps have given his wife an unfavourable im::preſsion — but where there is a disposition to dislike

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