I could have said "Not much indeed;" — but Ileft her almost in silence. — It was the greateststretch of Forbearance I could practise. I could nothave stopped myself, had I begun. — Her aſsurance,her Deceit — but I will not allow myself to dwellon them; – they will strike you sufficiently. Myheart sickens within me. —

As soon as I was tolerably composed, I re::turned to the Parlour. Sir James's carriage was at the door, & he, merry as usual, soon afterwardstook his leave. How easily does her Ladyshipencourage, or dismiſs a Lover! —

In spite of this release, Frederica still looksunhappy, still fearful perhaps of her Mother'sanger, & tho' dreading my Brother's departurejealous, it may be, of his staying. — I see howclosely she observes him & Lady Susan. — PoorGirl, I have now no hope for her. There is not

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