have minded it, said she to her Mother, if she hadbeen anybody else's daughter; but to see her pre::tend to be above me, when her Father was only a tradesman, is too bad! It is such an af::front to our whole Family! I declare I think Papa ought to interfere in it, but he nevercares about anything but Politics. If I were Mr Pitt or the Lord Chancellor, he would take care I should not be insulted, but he never thinksabout me; And it is so provoking that Edward should let her stand there. I wish with all my heart that he had never come to England! I hope she may fall down & break her neck, orsprain her Ancle." Mrs Stanley perfectly agreedwith her daughter concerning the affair, & tho'thoughwith leſs violence, expreſsed almost equal resent:: ment at the indignity. Kitty in the meantimeremained insensible of having given any one Of::fence, and therefore unable either to offer an apo::logy, or make a reparation; her whole attentionwas occupied by the happineſs she enjoyed in

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