hours as they paſsed which served only to lengthenthem. — . They retired to their rooms in high Spirits on Wednesday night, but Kitty awoke thenext Morning with a violent Toothake. It was in vain that she endeavoured at first to deceiveherself; her feelings were witneſses too acuteof it's reality; with as little succeſs did she try to sleep it off, for the pain she suffered prevent::ed her closing her Eyes –. She then summonedher Maid and with the Aſsistance of the House::keeper, every remedy that the receipt book or the head of the latter contained, was tried, but in::effectually; for though for a short time releived by them, the pain still returned. She was now obliged to give up the endeavour, and to reconcileherself not only to the pain of a Toothake, butto the loſs of a Ball; and though she had withso much eagerneſs looked forward to the day of itsarrival, had received such pleasure in the neceſsary preparations, and promised herself so much delightin it, Yet she was not so totally void of philosophy

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