Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
:cal motives. There it was our
firstcommenced —. Isabel was then one and
twenty —Tho'Though pleasing both in her Person and Manners(between ourselves) she never
poſseſsed the hun::dredth part of my Beauty or Accomplishments.[.]S[.]1 Isabel had seen the World.
She had paſsed 2Years at one
of the first Boarding-schools inLondon;
had spent a fortnight in Bath & hadsuppedslept one night in sSouthampton.
"Beware my Laura (she would often say)Beware of the insipid Vanities and idle Diſsipationsof the Metropolis of England; Beware of theunmeaning Luxuries of Bath & of the Stink::ing fish of Southampton."
"Alas! (exclaimed I) how am I to avoidthose evils I shall never be exposed to? Whatprobability is there of my ever tasting the Diſsipationsof London, the Luxuries of Bath, or the stinkingFish of Southampton? I who am doomed towaste my Days of Youth & Beauty in an
- 1.
- Upper-case 'S' and part of another letter erased.Back to context...