Volume the Second: Diplomatic DisplayLondonBritish Library, Add. MS. 59874
melancholy solitude, my unceasing Lamentations forthe Death of my Father, my Mother, my Husband& my Freind.
Augusta has been for several years united to Graham1the
Man of all others most suited to
her;2Graham;she became acquainted with him during her
stayin Scotland.
Sir Edward in hopes of gaining an Heir tohis Title & Estate, at the same time married LadyDorothea —. His wishes have been answered.
Philander & Gustavus, after having raisedtheir
reputation by their Performances in the The--atricalLine at Edinburgh, removed to
CoventGarden, where they still continue toExhibitunder the aſsumed names of Lewis & Quick.
Philippa has long paid the Debt of Nature,Her Husband however still continues to drivethe Stage-Coach from Edinburgh to Sterling:–––Adeiu my Dearest Marianne —.
Laura — .
- 1.
- Squeezed in partly along marginBack to context...
- 2.
- Comma altered to semi-colon after deletion of 'Graham;' and the insertion of 'Graham' in line above.Back to context...